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Jason Everett

Jason Everett

Owner | High Performance Salon Academy

#salonevolutionrevolution #highperformancesalon #highperformancesalonacademy

Jason’s infectious high energy and drive to make everyone he meets the best possible version of themselves, has landed him on center stage in the Salon Edu-tainment scene. Jason is one of the founders of the High Performance Salon Academy which specializes in taking salons that are already successful and cranking up their success to an 11! Their non-traditional and unconventional approach to learning uses the latest in technology and social media strategies to quickly train and equip the most attention-strained owners, leaders and service providers on how to rapidly implement what they learn. Even more important than the wealth of information they provide is the massive results they help their clients achieve, often raising the Average Ticket, Pre-book Rate, Guest Count and Take Home Income from 20-40% for everyone they work with. For more information on the High Performance Salon Academy please visit: